Gaduh-Gaduh Manje

Bosan...bosan..hujan and angin kuat sangat-sangat dari pagi tadi..huhu.. Sebab bosan rasa nak menaip lah..hehe..

Teringat la 2-3 ari lepas sembang ngan member.. (W = Member , E=Efa a.k.a saya)

W : Hang tak gaduh ka ngan En.Boipren?
E : Awat hang tanya?? gadoh la..aku kan suka gadoh..hehehe
W: Ooo..selalu ka gadoh?
E: Eh, rahsia rumah makcik..hehe, jarang la, tapi mesti la gadoh gak..tak normal tu,gadoh.hg awat?.
W: Saja ja tanya nak tanya tips...hehe

Okay, perbualan seterusnya..biarlah rahsia ye..=p

Pasal gaduh..dah couple mestilah gaduh gak sikit-sikit. Tak ada la setuju je memanjang...yg setuju je memanjang tu Pak/Mak Turut bukan Pak/Mak We. Kalo gaduh sekali sekala tu okey la kan..jangan la hari-hari..uiks, kalo hari-hari you better have a serious discussion,

Macam kalo dengan Mr.Panda..hehe..dia tau la Miss Pingu adalah sangat degil..Kalo kena tegur je mesti buat muka..tapi betul saya tak sedar, muka jadi secara otomatik ..hehe..pastu gaduh-gaduh manje jap and okay la..he will end up buying an Ice-cream or bawak jalan-jalan walaupun bukan dia yang salah. He is adorable rite..=) (Jangan muntah darah!!)

But that what makes your relationship better.You'll know the person inside out, you'll know how he handles his feelings, you know how he controls the situation and at some point, you'll know how much he loves you. So gaduh sikit-sikit is not a big deal.

And one thing, out of topic. "If you really-really love someone let them go, and if they come back they are yours" Okay, seriously, I have a huge problem with that phrase. I say, if you loves someone put some effort to stay strong and be together no matter what. Until, you find it is ridiculous to be together than you let it go. at least you know you have tried your best and its not your fault. Gosh! I have said it..


  1. "Saya suka awak.."
    "I love you.."
    "Aku suka kt hg laa.."

    One of the most difficult phrases to be said..

  2. Hehe..betul2..but when u find the right person then it wouldn't be too difficult..=p

  3. haha.. suka ayat last awk tuh.. bru betul.
    bukannya lepaskn org tuh camtu saje~
    kan kan~
